Tuesday, May 11, 2010

kids clothes week challenge

After Day 1, I'm shocked to have 3 garments done. I have Wendy Mullin to thank - after reading through Sew U Home Stretch I have figured out how to make knit clothing fast using my serger. Both pairs of shorts were 100% sewn with the serger, and I love the waistband on the blue pair. I didn't plan it that way, but I was using the sleeves from a men's t-shirt to make the shorts and I had limited height, and so a deep waistband was necessary (now Sadie wants a pair just like them, because the blue ones are for Mr. Milo). Actually I've added a little extra challenge to my challenge - I did not buy any fabric and am only recycling t-shirts (mine, Jay's, big ones from Goodwill) to make all these clothes. The ruffle skirt - which I'm super happy with - is actually the t-shirt I tried to sew for myself but now salvaged into something way better. I'm going to try one more ruffle skirt from another t-shirt and then maybe post the how-to info after the week is done. It takes no time to sew and hey, little girls love ruffles. And I love shirring.

Next up, Day 2. I've got a romper and some snap tape waiting. For more Kids Clothes Week happiness, check out the Flickr pool here.


  1. So cute! I got a serger for Mother's Day so I'll have to check out Sew U Stretch. Great inspiration.

  2. These look great. Amazing you managed to do three items in one day. You'll have a whole collection by the end of the week.

  3. Super cute!! 3 in one day is impressive! Great work!

    I have a weekly Thursday blog party especially for people to share things they've made to be worn. Stop by if you'd like!

  4. I agree- very impressive! Specially love the wee shorts in the middle, so cute!

  5. Lucinda8:49 AM

    love the shorts! Can I ask what pattern you used, or did you draft your own? They're too cute!!

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