Monday, April 05, 2010

a happy after

Have I ever mentioned how awesome Jay is? If not, here is a reason why. He salvaged wood from our attic floor and an old shelf in the basement to make this shelf for our "Office Valet" cabinet. And it's absolutely perfect.

We've had this piece of furniture for a while now, but Jay always intended to build a shelf for it. Once Milo became active it was a true necessity. It's a simple design and we found baskets to maximize space and now the piece really works, both aesthetically and practically. Milo's toys are hidden (though as I type all 3 baskets have been toppled over - the little boy can pull them right out and loves all the toys falling to the floor) and we don't have to see the tv equipment so much.

Like I said, he's awesome. Now if I were a better stylist I might have removed a few more tchotchkes before taking a photo, but I'm not a better stylist. Clutter is the way of the world around here, and for now, we're a tiny bit more organized.

Oh, and here's the "before". (You have to start with the "after" shot, right?)


  1. I believe the "before" shot is what first brought me to your blog. I have a Pee Wee too!!

  2. It looks like a completely different piece of furniture! super functional and super fantastic, well done!

  3. Looks great! You're so lucky to have such a handy hubby!

  4. I love it! It looks great and I am so glad your vision became a reality. Go J.

  5. that's so great- what handy hubby.
    and I LOVE the kermit the frog
