Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Or more appropriately, Soule-ution. Because a quick visit to Soulemama solved my most recent sewing disaster by offering the perfect project for my Anna Maria Horner voile fabric. The colours of the fabric are beautiful and it feels wonderful, but it is quite pricey so I only bought enough to make a little tank top. I tried a version of this top from Simple Sewing with a French Twist, but the gathers made my milk-filled chest look ridiculous and then anything I tried to essentially re-design the top failed miserably (surprisingly, I never once cursed). Enter Soulemama's timely post and voila! I had just enough fabric left to make a super cute little scarf. It took about 15 minutes to sew and made me feel so much better about the time spent.

And really, it's pretty bold fabric. I think a scarf is just enough for plain old me.


  1. I love that fabric but I think you're right, a whole tank top in that would be to much. It looks so pretty as a spring scarf.

  2. it is a perfect spring accent..great choice for a scarf~~~very chic~

  3. It's a great scarf and I'd like to see how you made yours compared to some I made....
