Thursday, October 15, 2009


A certain very special girl turned 5 last week (insert heartbroken sigh here). Like every year before, we chose to have a party with Sadie's grandparents and uncles with a solemn promise that next year she can have a kids party. But to help make this year's party more fun we figured we could introduce games. Sadie and I came up with this bingo idea and we really enjoyed putting it together. She drew all the animals and watched while I scanned them (which was an interesting lesson - I could literally see her processing the info). Then I showed her as I set the cards up in Photoshop. I went to a print shop and had the cards printed on cardstock and voila - Sadie's very own bingo game. Her grandparents and uncles loved it and now she can play it with any group of kids (or adults) we have over.

I have a hard time choosing my favourite drawing, but the giraffe in the second photo is pretty awesome...I mean, check out the little boy on the giraffe's back. In true Sadie fashion, Milo had to make an appearance, even in Bingo.


  1. That is such a great idea! When our girls were growing up, they would have a party every other year.

  2. Haha. Cute! Super great idea. I should remember this one.
