Friday, September 11, 2009

operation: hide belly

I'm rather self-conscious about my belly these days. I admit, I was very lucky after having Sadie because my normal body returned quickly. This time...not so much. For example, I'm discreetly still wearing my maternity jeans. And it turns out that every non-maternity shirt I own is fitted, so unless I want another Old Navy salesperson describing me to my husband as "the pregnant lady", I'm not wearing them. Sewing machine to the rescue.

Both of these shirts are from the same Simplicity pattern (3790). I prefer the top one for the yoke, but the bottom one is getting worn more often. Also it's made from hemp jersey that I ordered from Gaia Fabrics, and I'm really happy with the fabric. It's a Canadian company and the colour is dyed to order (I chose "bark"). I'd like to order their heavy hemp jersey next, and perhaps some muslin for quilting (I'm only struggling with which colour to order). The other shirt is linen, also nice, and I went bias tape crazy after watching Angry Chicken's tutorial. Next on my sewing to-do list is a dress for Sadie for her birthday. How is it possible that she's turning 5? But hopefully by the time I get back to sewing for myself I'll be less worried about my belly. Meaning: time for the less-baking-more-exercise regime to begin. Bleck.

(P.S. the Baby T-Shirt Vest pattern is being written - I promise. I started over-thinking garment sizing, but I'm just going to post the 6-month size for now and work on other sizes after.)


  1. LOVE the shirts. It is hard to find shirts that fit my "mother's stomach" as well. These are beautiful. :)

    Also wanted to let you know that I moved my blog to a new location and have a few new surprises up my sleeve! To kick things off, I have a free downloadable gift. Stop by if you get a chance. :) The new address is:



  2. Ooooh. Loving the tops. I wish I knew how to sew too--I would love to whip up some for myself.

  3. Two years post partum and I'm still playing Operation: Hide Belly (sorry to say). Miss you friend. Let me know when you're up for a visit. September makes me wistful.

  4. Also wanted to let you know that I am having a big giveaway on the blog and sign-ups last until Sunday night! The giveaway was given to RTH by the ever-inspiring author of Craft Nectar. Hope to see you there! :)
