Sunday, August 02, 2009

market loot

Thanks to a post over at the lovely Needlebook blog, Jay and I were reminded of the Sunday St. Lawrence Antiques Market here in Toronto (funny how you forget the things that are the closest to you). With a small break in the torrential downpour last weekend, we finally made it down there, and were we ever glad we did, even though the rain caught us right at the end.

Sadie and I spent most of our time at one jewelry and button booth...I seem to have acquired a real soft spot for buttons these days.  But the booth had so many great picks, and I had a hard time stopping myself. By far my favourite are the enamel coated W.L.H.B. buttons - besides the great colours, the abrreviation stands for "Women's League of Healthy Babies". How very British, and how very wonderful, plus I think they could be used to make a great little series of...something. The red-headed doll is from the 60's.  We saw her from afar and just loved her colour and style, and the seller gave us a real deal for her and a pine chest from 1874 which is now housing all of our extra shoes. And by deal I mean $45 for a wooden chest, and that's right here in the city. Somehow we keep thinking we need to leave the city for those prices, but that's what is so great about finding the market again. Jay even grabbed a flip calendar to add to his collection, so he's so stoked by the market we're probably going again today. It's stroller friendly and a great outing. And seeing as I'm up with Milo at 6:38am, we could use an outing to look forward to.


  1. Very cool stuff. Gosh my friend Diana would love your blog. I love the small and whimsical but she, even more. Will pass you along to her. She is also a knitter, unfortunately, I am not. Pooh.
    Anyway, I have enjoyed a visit here. Keep it up! Oh, and thanks for trying out my Mexican Casserole!

  2. I am a button collector and love seeing buttons anywhere. And what a nice deal on the wood trunk.
