Saturday, July 11, 2009

thank you

You know how there are friends that, without question, will go above and beyond to help you? Well, we have a friend like that and she was a lifesaver around Milo's birth. So, as a token of our thanks and with a little help from Sadie, I made these name mini-quilts for her two boys. (Sadie is responsible for the colour and fabric choices and I've heard her choices were spot on!) 

With Sadie I had a tough time staying positive in the first few weeks, but this time I've learned quickly that having small hand projects really helps my mood. Embroidery and knitting are made for the early weeks with a newborn - easily picked up and put down, they allow for a little "making" satisfaction and give me something else to focus on other than how long Milo is sleeping...or not. And really, there's nothing like having a baby dozing peacefully in your lap while you make a stitch or two. It's downright heavenly.

(And P.S.: thank you so much for the wonderful and welcoming comments for Milo.  You guys are great!)

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