Monday, May 25, 2009

spurts and skirts

And so my mat leave begins.

I have a long list of things I'd like to make and tedious tasks like "do the taxes", but today I'm taking it easy.  Reading magazines and actually planning dinner.  I spent the night dreaming that I was missing meetings, so clearly my brain hasn't left work just yet, and I'm a little emotional about saying good-bye to the people I love seeing every day.  But I know my body - and mind - needed a break before the baby arrives.  Decompressing takes time.

On a crafting note: I left the sewing room in a mess after making the above skirt for Sadie, but it was so worth it.  I've made two, and they truly come together in 30 minutes.  I think it's a miracle, and Sadie loves them.  I can see a couple more getting made in my before-baby-future.  The instructions are found at the Oliver + S blog, and here are photos posted on Flickr of other ribbon/fabric combinations.  I'm totally smitten. And totally going to sew right now.


  1. great skirt!
    happy Mat leave (good timing re: summer)

  2. I love the skirt and what a great picture of sadie....She's like a butterfly in the garden.
