Wednesday, May 06, 2009

goodness underfoot

We're still living in our bedroom, but man, is the new floor pretty.  Even without the furniture I can't believe how different our house looks from a simple change underfoot.  The "common" maple is full of variations and the colour is just what we wanted, plus the great thing about a site finish is that there are no grooves (or bevels) between the boards - it's just one smooth surface.  The only drawback may be our need for grippy socks...Sadie has already taken a tumble on the slick wood.

But a two week job is not easy to live through and it will be 3 weeks in total without a livable main floor (at least we got the fridge and stove back in - eating out every night is not good when you've been told to eat healthy for the rest of your pregnancy).  This weekend we'll put it all back together.  I think we'll celebrate with a pile of movies, home-cooked treats and a marathon love-in with our couch.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I know it. Tonight I cooked in my kitchen for the first time in 10 weeks. 10 weeks. I am so sick of construction dust that I could scream. But I do have the prettiest kitchen in the world.

    We'll be in Toronto in a little over a week. I'll get in touch through other means before then.
