Monday, January 05, 2009

looking back

If I'm going to quote my first line of every month's first post next year, then this one better be a doozey.  Oops, better luck next time.

I found this approach to recapping the year by way of Postcards from the Mothership, by way of Hello Josephine.  And looking it over, it does a pretty good job.  All the best things are accounted for, and truthfully, if I take away the extreme nausea of the fall, I think 2008 was a great year in our home (after what I will admit were a couple of very tough years by comparison).  I naively think it all balances out in the end, and the arrival of a new family member in June should make 2009 an eventful year too.  Being in a particularly reflective mood today (thank you pregnancy hormones) I am wearing my heart on my over-sized cardigan sleeve, and thanking the two best people in my life for making this recap feel as good as it does.  I can never tell them enough how much they mean to me.  So here is the first line of each month:

1. And by housework, I mean the good kind.
2. When it snows, at least there are thrift shops within walking distance.
3. It turns out that I am teased for the way I say the word "red".
4. Ragdoll finished her book.
5. April was National Poetry Month, and in its honour I had a full-on spring romance with poetry.
6. There is simply no way to say everything about Paris in just one post.
7. Very serious note to self: When you are a full-time worker, cook, laundry mistress, wife and mother, never, ever think that you can sew without a pattern.
8. Oh, what a vacation.
9. This little guy is from my "quick and dirty" category of sewing.
10. A certain little girl turned 4 yesterday.
11. I heart Hallowe'en.
12. Sadie spent the weekend at her Grampa's, so I broke down and cheated on her.

Goodbye, good year.  Howdy 2009.

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