Saturday, December 20, 2008

oh baby

The time has come for me to knit baby things. And here's the kicker: I won't have to give them away...they will stay right here. Because it would appear that I am officially knocked up.

Finally I can explain my lack of productivity for about, well, three months. As with Sadie, I have been battling 24 hour nausea. I'm taking Diclectin this time, which really helps, but thankfully I think the nasuea is starting to wear off now that I am 14 weeks along. I am amazed all over again at how much growing a human can wreak havoc on your body, not to mention your brain. Jay isn't so happy that "baby brain" strikes this early.

We are thrilled (with a healthy dose of "freaked out") about the news. Sadie is excited too, although now she wants to know how far away June really is. I can't say the decision came easy - it's been on my mind since Sadie was born, but I just wasn't ready for a very long time. It's crazy how much time has actually passed, and there will be a 5 year gap between Sadie and this expected sibling. But one day we realized that there was no time like the present and like I said, we're pretty thrilled.

Oh baby.


  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    June babies are nice - you don't have to suffer through heatwaves while pregnant!

  2. Congratulations! Sadie will be an awesome big sister.
    Vicki (Sidney's Mom)

  3. So happy for you guys, Sam! What lovely news. Two is definitely a challenge, but also really, really nice. When we come visit in the spring you're going to be as big as a house! Hooray! (for the baby, not for being big as a house...)

  4. Congratulations from Debbie in Ottawa. Still love checking in on your blog and being inspired by you. Recently I was going through magazines that I hoard terribly. Notlooking to throw away, oh no just to be tickled by new and interesting ideasI've forgotten or missed the times around before. Anyway I thought of you when I went through my stack of "marie claire ideas".
    Lots of things that look like Sam to me in these magazines and look I must as they are in french but they are such eye candy. You may all ready know about them but in case you don't I thought I'd let you know. Once again
    congratulations, Debbie Guthrie

  5. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I'm so happy for you! Warm wishes for all the best in your health and happiness, and it looks like you will have a happy New Year (albeit a very tired and emotional one!)

  6. Congrats. As a parent of two, it's a great number.

    (My word verification is "biblater." Why do I always get such interesting, and in this case appropriate, word verifications on your blog?)

  7. I feel so confused about having a second.
    Lulu is now 3 1/2 and the gap keeps getting bigger and bigger...
    I guess you just have to follow your instincts.

    Sadie is going to be an awseome big sister I'm sure.
    I can't wait to see all the cute baby stuff you come up with.
