Thursday, June 05, 2008

favourite things

On the sunniest day, after visiting Sacre Couer and walking around Montmarte, we ventured downhill in search of the highly recommended shop "Le Comptoir". Thank goodness for knitting blogs because this little shop was simply delightful and one of my highlights (yes, I am There was a comfy bench for Ragdoll to relax on while I poked through all the wares. It was a tiny shop, but every surface held gems and I'm sure I annoyed the fashionable salesgirl by repeatedly saying "oh, I'm done. Yes. No. Wait, what is that over there?" I picked up buttons, ribbons, knitting needles, embroidery thread, fantastic wooden bag handles, cross stitch linen...and more. It was hard to stop. The wooden shelves and cute displays added to the charm and I left that shop with an enormous smile that stayed with me for hours. Rewind back to the "I am geeky" part.

The other shop we found on a very rainy day was "La Droguerie". Even though I picked up some nice buttons, I could have lived wthout finding this spot. For those in Toronto, it was like comparing The Knit Cafe to Romni; sure the latter has lots of wool, but it kind of lacks charm and if you're not in the know it can be an intimidating place. At the very least it was the one place where I used what little French I knew and managed on my own to choose and pay for buttons. But the wool seemed so-so, and I'm much more excited to seek out the Debbie Bliss Luxury Donegal Tweed we spied at Le Comptoir here at home.

Right after my "Le Comptoir" highlight we ate at what instantly became my favourite cafe (which I admit, may have been influenced by the notion-intoxicated mood I was in). It was part of our "literary" walk - a spot where Simone de Beauvoir and Jean Paul Sartre frequented. The atmosphere was very Parisian and quite nostalgic. Red leather booths and an army of pleasant middle aged waiters made me forget that I was spending 7 euros on a simple coke. And as the napkin photo shows, I was taken by even the smallest of details.

Sacre Couer, a special knitting shop and Cafe de Flore. Add to that list the prison where Marie Antoinette was beheaded, and I've covered all my favourite things. But I have one more very important mention - my wonderful travelling companion. A week in Paris with a good friend is definitely the memory I'll carry with me forever. Buttons and ribbons may be enchanting, but they hold nothing next to her.

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