Friday, May 02, 2008

reading challenge #10

April was National Poetry Month and in its honour, I had a full-on spring romance with poetry. Not only did I savour every single poem in Anne Compton's Processional, but I also quietly took on the challenge of writing a poem a day (even though I totally forget how I stumbled upon this challenge). Ragdoll started writing poetry again too so I finally had the chance to read some of her fantastic (and even published) endeavours. The two of us are so inspired we may even take a poetry class in the fall. Ahh, I heart words.

Anyway, back to Anne Compton. PEI was a hard province to choose for, and I almost went with Saltsea by David Helwig. But I really wanted to use the challenge to go beyond fiction, and I needed a divining rod of sorts to find a new poet. With little more than an Amazon review as guidance, I gave Compton a try and I was spellbound immediately. As I sit here I'm not even sure how to describe it; her words just worked for me. Her way of using domestic metaphors was refreshing, and her references to nature were wonderful (and a great follow-up to Sharon Butala). I think I'll order her first collection, Opening the Island, right away because ending the day with her poetry has been an inspiring ritual that I'd rather not be done with. Not yet.

Dawn was in the details: each branch a charcoal stroke
against the grey.

Only 3 more novels to go to finish up this challenge. Currently I have Mercy Among the Children picked out for New Brunswick, but for no good reason I just haven't been eager to get it. If anyone has a suggestion - or a huge high-five for David Adams Richards - please let me know. Thanks to a super father-in-law, I've got an Indigo giftcard burning a hole in my wallet.

1 comment:

  1. You definitely had a different experience with this one than I did. My reviews are here and here.
