Tuesday, March 04, 2008

test pattern

Distraction from what's important is truly an art. Even though making a quilt isn't a priority right now, I've gone and ordered some fabrics from Reprodepot (this, this and this) and made a cushion to test out my proposed colour scheme. You may laugh, but the cushion is already making me like the red paint more...plus the positive comments left about the red were quite a help too. And it was strangely serendipitous that I found this red fabric on the weekend which is EXACTLY the shade I needed. So the saga may be over, and there is a whole bunch of sewing in my future.

To keep my plate full this week while I'm home by myself I also walked over to Knitomatic and picked up some Fable alpaca on sale in a salmon colour to make the Juliet "cardigan" from Zephyr. I started it last night and so far it's knitting up quickly. Last week I actually finished a full sweater but I was so excited to wear it that of course Sadie smeared cookie on me and now it needs a wash. I'll also have to convince Jay to take a photo or two, which is never his favourite activity.

And now, back to my sewing.

(P.S. The "painting" in the photo above is a bubble gum portrait of Sadie that Jay finished last year. I'm going to hang it in my office at work, but for now it looks nice right there!)


  1. I love the red room and the cushion, it all looks warm & cosy. Sadie's portrait is amazing, hope to see it before it goes to your office.


  2. I love that Jay made a gum portrait of Sadie. So sweet.

  3. love it!
    love the painting
    love the chair
    love the wall colour
    love the cabinet
    such a cozy corner.
    very nice.

  4. LOVE the cushion! It fits in there just perfectly. And that portrait? WOW. Just WOW!

    Also wanted to let you know that the drawing has been completed on the blog for the grand giveaway!! I am also holding a poll for another prize for the winning name. :) If you have a moment, stop on by and cast your vote!


  5. OK -- the house looks gorgeous first off! Second, I would totally buy some pillows off you. Next time you come over, or I come to yours, we should discuss.

    That portrait of Sadie is so awesome.
