Monday, December 03, 2007

another monday

Admittedly, hearts are not really my thing, but I have an inkling that three year olds like them. So, to match her cookies, here is Sadie's tiny apron. The pinks and purples are more muted than she would generally pick, but I'm using fabrics I already have (honestly, I have a contract with myself - absolutely no more fabric enters this house for an insane amount of time. Ditto with patterns. Not ditto with wool...I need at least one indulgence.) It was ridiculously fun to make the ruffle and I hope the apron gets used to the point that cookie batter gets wedged between the folds.

So another Monday, another gift made. Not quite as inspiring or as relaxing a day as last Monday, but oh well. At least I got a belated thank you gift almost finished and spent some quality time humming along to Johnny Cash. Perhaps spending the previous night in Sadie's bed being kicked incessantly by little feet had something to do with my mood?

And man, do I ever wish we had some natural light in this house. Winter equals dark, muddy photos...and apologies from me.


  1. Very sweet. I have kid apron plans for Ruby's birthday -- maybe packaged with some wooden spoons and spatulas in a baker's set. She's an anxious baker too. I let her pour things into the bowl, though she's dying to crack an egg but I can't bring myself to let her.

  2. so sweet.
    and yes...same problem here.
    no natural light at night when I most feel like taking a photo of something I have created.

  3. The apron is really nice, I have always shied away from ruffles, you will have to show me how some time. Isn't it amazing what a mom can learn from her daughter?
