Saturday, April 07, 2007

that bunny's a tramp

Every so often, I just tell myself that I need to make something in less than 24 hours. This weekend was one of those times; armed with the March theme for Month of Softies ("mad as a march hare") and inspired by Lyn at Mollychicken (really, when isn't she inspiring?) I set out to create a bunny for Sadie. I must admit I soon went off the rails, and my bunny became a black-eyed, stitched up hussy who just had to have black stockings. Luckily Sadie got a new bunny from friends today so I think it was all meant to be.
I must tell myself to make something more often - this may have been the most fun I've had in a while. For more doll inspiration, check out these two local artists: Magda Trzaski and Miru's Friends.


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love your bunny.

You may also like this one:

petite gourmand said... [Reply to comment]

sadie is so lucky!
that is the cutest bunny.

Betsy Mae said... [Reply to comment]

Love this bunny. I was fortunate enough to receive a very generous gift last year, a brand new sewing machine! Unfortunately, I don't know what the heck I'm doing. Maybe one day I can learn how to make a bunny like this one.