Saturday, January 20, 2007

little old lady

For the past two weeks Jay has been putting Sadie to bed every other night. Luckily it's been working, but the one trick is that I have to disappear from sight at least 15 minutes before bedtime. So I retreat to the studio which is PERFECT! With only these small pockets of time I finished my Month of Softies submission. The theme was "Something New from Something Old". I have a collection of linen napkins and doilies in all shades of white, so I cut up a couple to create the whole body. I only used the machine once, otherwise I hand stitched her together (which minimized the sound - Sadie's bedroom is next door!) Her hair is mine from many years ago, carefully braided and secured. The only other old thing, the tiny MOP button to adorn her collar. I kept wanting to add a photgraphic face, but it just wasn't working. The blank face, reminiscent of Amish dolls, just worked best. She stands only 7" tall, but her ghostly nature is a nice break from the colourful wool creatures of the past year.


  1. Anonymous3:19 AM

    It's a nice way to use old napkins. :-)

  2. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Oh, she is totally wonderful. I love that her hair is your hair. All white. No face. Super.

  3. I love her. I think the fact that you used your own hair is a little creepy, but good.

  4. so gorgeous!
    but what inspired you to hang on to your own old hair? Did you know you would need it for a project like this?
    very creative recycling indeed..
