Monday, November 20, 2006

two years and counting

I apologetically admit that in our house, birthdays pass without much fanfare. With Sadie they definitely seem more important, but until she knows that it's her special day we get away with stretching it out or even celebrating on some other date that works for everyone else. It is no surprise then, that her birthday party was held on November 11th...even if her birthday was October 6th.

To make birthday matters worse, this photo isn't even from either her birthday or the party. I've chosen it because I feel that it presents her "twoness" if such a state of being exists. No longer can I refer to her as my baby - she is most certainly a little girl. She often chooses tights over socks, she knew instictively what to do with a rolling Dora suitcase, and she speaks to us in little sentences that two months ago she couldn't even imagine. She's two, she's a toddler and she's the most fabulous creature I know.

Hey, it's been a while and the mommy in me just had to gush.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    gush you should. she is gorgeous. and 2 is wonderful. happy day to you both!
