Saturday, October 14, 2006

i heart red

This past week has been so relaxing. I took time off work but kept Sadie in daycare - which meant it was all ME time. I haven't had that since Sadie was born and even though I may have felt a tiny smidgen of guilt it was oh-so-wonderful. I went to a matinee, got a massage, found a great new store, bought wool, lunched on my was heaven. I also watched the entire first season of Grey's Anatomy - how much of a guilty pleasure is that?

Of course this seems to have nothing to do with red. Here's my red story: I am always drawn to red, every hue from blood to cherry catches my wandering eye. I used to paint my rooms red too, but Jay has put an end to that (we're now an all-beige household). I love what red can do to a space, physically and mentally. I especially love what red can do to my feet - I have been looking for a pair of red shoes to replace red mary jane's that I wore out and I finally got lucky. I dress fairly plain, so wearing red shoes is such a treat. The boots above are my holiday find; the make is Pikolinos and I love the black line that crosses over. Sadie wanted to model her almost-red shoes too when I tried to take the photo, and the polka dotted thing is a wee suitcase I found at a great kids store called Polka Dot Kids. And still on the subject of red, I also noticed that our unattended clematis has red berries right now which I have never noticed. They seem so out of place in our messy backyard, like a transplanted set of perfect marbles. And for the last photo, even though we exist in beige there are bits of red everywhere, from honey jars on top of the fridge to any cushion surface I can cover (he's never been against red fabric...just paint).

There's nothing like the perfect vacation. I'm so relaxed I don't even mind the thought of going back to work. And hey, it's a chance to wear my new red shoes.


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I just wanted to let you know that I saw your plush toys at Schmancy and they are so lovely, I think they were my favorites of all the ones there. Simple, cuddly, and very well made.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

love the shoes. love the red! and your vacation sounds perfect - well done!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Such a lovely post. Next time you have a week like this (next year?) call me to meet up for coffee and shopping for red things.

ahem...and what's this at Schmancy?

lamb-things said... [Reply to comment]

I love the red shoes, we could have had my red shoes from England too. I think they are my favourite shoes of all time and very special as a water colour that Kristen did for me. Although.....Sadie's sparklie shoes are right up at the top of my list too.

petite gourmand said... [Reply to comment]

I just went to an all red themed birthday party and it was so much fun and everyone looked so great in red.
I love the shoes and lucky you to enjoy some "you time"

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love the red oak pic and I miss the artist.