Saturday, September 16, 2006

cross eyed

Thank goodness I'm nearsighted - this cross-stitch work is intense! I decided to start with natural linen so I have to count every weave, and to make matters worse I chose a fairly tight weave because I loved the citron colour of it. This is still just a detail, but it gives away a bit of what I'm doing. This message is something a friend told me her husband said to her and I can't get over how beautifully simple it is. Words of love and words of lust...that's where this project is headed. As soon as my eyes see straight again I will finish one entirely. So far I've been excited by every letter form, so I haven't gone beyond them to finish the borders.

Plush You II starts soon - and there's a little part of me that wishes I could have flown to Seattle for it. As it stands I will be heading to New York at the end of October to attend Jay's opening in a Chelsea gallery. It's pretty exciting - a solo show in New York, and needless to say, he's absolutely stoked. I am too, plus I'm totally proud of him.

Uh-oh, my fever-ridden Sadie just woke up. Jay's out of town and she's been miserable all day and night with either molars or just a rotten cold. Time to go be Mommy.

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