Thursday, March 09, 2006


I wanted to call this entry "stomach explosion" but it would have tainted the image above for all the wrong reasons. So before the recovery story, here is the invite to Jay's show which opens Wednesday at The opening reception is Friday, March 17th for anyone in Toronto, and Jay will be exhibiting new Gum Blondes that haven't even made it to his website yet. I guess they're hot off the . . . jaws?

As for the recovery story, all my knitting and making came to a grinding halt as a nasty stomach flu took over our house (never good before an art show, but it'll work out.) Jay and I were totally struck down, the details - far too disgusting to share. Thank goodness my Mom came to our rescue! She stayed with us, took care of Sadie and even slept on our couch to give us the help we so desperately needed. She was the ultimate MOM, and I feel incredibly lucky that she was so quick to help. Thanks Mom - you're the best!


  1. Can't wait to see the new "Gum Blondes"! And, yes, you do have a good mom,and she's a good sister too. Hope you're all in good health again! Keep up the wonderful works!

  2. just fell in here... love your blog it's great! the gum blondes thing is amazing, i just looked at the website- may have to make a trip up north to check that out... i am so intrigued as to the scale of those works. oh, and the fact that your mom blogs too, is oh so cute. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Samantha, you & Jay were so sick I was glad to help, that's what mom's are for.... and being with Sadie was a plus. I'm very relieved you are both feeling better and hope Jay will be ready for his show.

  5. That sounds nasty. Glad you're all feeling better. Your Mum is a gem.

  6. my favorite was always the sesame street that taught french- do they still play that on CBC? the family i work for doesn't get any channels other than, well, pretty much just pbs.
