Sunday, January 01, 2006

knitting fever

Oddly enough, I have never knit myself anything. Jay, Sadie, friends' babies, countless stuffed creatures...they've all enjoyed the fruits of my needled labour. So when deciding what to do next and devouring the first season of Lost on DVD I started a hat and became addicted to finishing it. The pattern came from a Louisa Harding book of accesories, and the wool is black alpaca and an angora tweed from a long time ago. Perhaps next I'll knit a scarf in a total wave of selfishness? Then I absolutely promise myself to get back to other things, like little woolen creatures who desperately need their own knitted treats.


  1. i love the design of the hat samantha....I'm working on a pair of red wrist warmers that i will put on my blog soon. I am still so addicted to knitting, it's a great craft to do in the winter. Can't wait to see what you are making next!

  2. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I think that hat looks dashing!


  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I love the hat. I have been looking over Louisa designs and yarns, but haven't knit any yet. You look great in your hat.
