Wednesday, September 30, 2015

intro to colourwork

Last year it was lace, this year it's definitely colourwork. This is what I love about knitting - there is always something to learn that instantly opens up a whole new realm of possibilities.

I first spied the Baa-ble Hat pattern on Instagram in the spring, designed by Donna Smith for Shetland Wool Week. It seemed fitting that my first colourwork project would involve lambs, and looking back, I'm sure that's what gave me the final nudge to tackle this technique. Because really, shouldn't it be a requirement that I own at least one garment with lambs on it? Especially one as irresistible as this? It didn't take long to realize that the allure of colourwork is getting the chance to put colours together, to plan out a combo that is unique, appealing and has enough contrast for the design to stand out. My single-ball stash was the perfect source for the project, and although the weights aren't exactly consistent, I think the colour combo worked out...even if purple skies aren't really a thing. My floats are rather wonky, but blocking helped smooth them out, and now I know that's where I need the most practice (and thanks to Karen's #fringehatalong, I've been able to practice a lot!) Oh, and the other thing I know for sure? I have WAY more colourwork in my future.

It's been a long time since I posted, but I've made my way through a few books since then (Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane, Aislinn Hunter's The World Before Us, Elle Luna's The Crossroads of Should and Must, Jonas Karlsson's The Room: A Novel and Sarah Addison Allen's Garden Spells). They were all various levels of okay, but I'm super excited by the novel I started on Monday, The Birthday Lunch by Joan Clark. Years ago I absolutely LOVED An Audience of Chairs and about 1/4 of the way in, I'm totally compelled by the story and characters. I heart Joan Clark.

For more knitting and reading catch ups, visit Ginny's Yarnalong.


  1. Colorwork is something I have yet to learn - but you make it sound as if it is not too hard - the hat is wonderful.

  2. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Purple skies are just fine, for beautiful evening nights as the sun sets :)

  3. Your hat looks amazing! Mine turned out a bit big but I'm still gonna wear it, can't knit all those sheep then give them away haha! :)

  4. Your hat and colourwork is gorgeous, well done and yes everyone should have something with sheep on!

  5. Wow! This wonderful winter hat with pom pon looks awesome! Nice pattern.

  6. Lovely blog you hhave here
