Monday, September 10, 2012

september blues

As a kid, I couldn't wait for school to start. As a teenager too - I was just that kind of kid. But my mom was always a little sad around Labour Day, and as with most things you can't understand until you're a mother yourself, now I totally get why she felt that way.

The end of summer seems to mark so much more than the end of blueberries and bathing suits. The first day of school means your child is another year older, and this is starting to hit me more than it does on a birthday (personally, I think it must have something to do with associating all my childhood memories with what grade I was in). When I started this blog Sadie was a baby.  This week that baby began Grade 3. Grade 3! I don't know where the time has gone, but now I have the first day of school as a startling reminder that it is hurtling past much too quickly. And I'm no longer an excited student, just a wistful mother helping plan outfits for the first day of school.

So, on a happier note - some sewing took place to help with the aforementioned outfit. Sadie chose my new piece of Robert Kaufman's cotton/linen chambray for me to make a skirt with, and she was very sure of her ribbon selection. I tried to persuade her that black ribbon on blue wasn't the best but soon heard what I was doing (meaning, I was forcing my taste on her) and stopped.  Black on blue it was, and truthfully, it's a really cute combo. The skirt is super basic though for the life of me I can't find the original tutorial for it - but it's the formula that only has one seam and the hem is finished with ribbon. Simple and satisfying - even when a 3 year old is sitting in your lap while you sew (funny, Sadie never did this!).

Speaking of blueberries, it was an excellent summer for them. And so I'll just do my best to remember our blueberry moments and not what grade my girl is in. After all, she's still my girl.


  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Lazy days skirt by Oliver & S (free Tutorial on the website). It does look lovely. i too am guilty of trying to force my taste on my girls and am getting better at listening to them.

  2. I love the skirt. I usually have two helpers trying to push the reverse stitch button as I sew. Endless fun x

  3. Loving the skirt. And loving those blueberries for sure.
