Wednesday, March 21, 2012

third time's a...

Knitting, it really is about perseverance. Last winter I picked up just enough Jo Sharp Silkroad DK Tweed on special to make a Snowbird Cardigan. I was pretty excited about the cardigan style and this wool was actually what the pattern called for - down to the exact colourway. It seemed meant to be. So I started the collar - twice - then worked quite a bit of the yoke/body. But I eventually had to admit that it wasn't working for me. The collar wasn't as hefty as I was expecting and overall I doubted if I had enough wool. On to sweater attempt number two.

Next was the Summer Solstice cardigan pattern by the same designer. The construction is interesting and I made it all the way through both sleeves before realizing it was much too big, and again, not quite what I was expecting. Instead of unravelling though, I started a very simple top-down raglan cardigan using stitch counts that I'm pretty sure I made up. I just tried it on as I went and eventually got all the way through the body without any side increases. But then I picked up a stockinette stitch collar inspired from the Summer Solstice pattern and knit about 20 rows of that. I remember trying it on, thinking the collar was shapeless and dull, and then quickly stuffing it, the still unravelled Summer Solstice and the rest of the wool into a bag to rid myself of any reminder of my efforts. That was last April.

Fast forward to this January and after some knitting success, I was getting stuck on another sweater/wool combination. Instead of getting to the same point of frustration, I took a break. But for some strange reason I pulled out the Jo Sharp mess. And then it happened: I knew how to fix it. I ripped the collar back and picked up a 2x2 ribbed one instead. I used short rows at the neck to create a better shawl effect. And I made nice, roomy sleeves with big cuffs that I can fold over. This took only a week to bring back to life but wow, it was oh-so-worth it. I could live in this sweater.

Sure, I have a few more tweaks in mind, but it's pretty fun to hone in on the right sweater for you and your body. There have been surprises - like how I prefer a sweater with no waist shaping or A-line increases at all, or how much roomy sleeves make me happy. I'm eager to try this sweater again, giving me a decent new reason to try Quince and Co's Lark wool, if only I could choose a colour. Seriously, I still don't know what colour is right.

As for reading, I finished The Peach Keeper during this sweater revival and I think the light tone was a good match. It was a fun, escapist, on-the-edge-of-chick-lit read - the kind of book we all need sometimes. For more knitting and reading stories visit today's Yarnalong.


  1. Oh, it's lovely. So clever to change the collar to suit you. Beautiful!

  2. That looks like a great, cozy sweater! Great choice with the collar.

    (I've added The Peach Keeper to my library list!)

  3. Oh that looks such a cosy cardie! Beautiful.

  4. It looks very nice...

  5. That is an absolutely amazing sweater, well worth all the work and re-working!

  6. Fantastic save. I'm yet to attempt a cardigan of adult proportions, but I will be keeping your example in mind when I do! It looks lovely and so comfy. :)

  7. And you knit as well! So glad I found your blog via KCWC. I'll definitely be stopping back! Very inspiring.
