Saturday, January 07, 2012

no. 85

For some reason I've been having little to no luck making clothes this past week, either knit or sewn. Maybe it's a post-holiday crash. Or maybe it's just a symptom of being a confirmed over-achiever; any time I'm away from work I feel I should be super productive on the handmade front. For goodness sake, my last post had me stating that all I want to do in 2012 is make more things. Umm, how about relaxing a little? Is that such a crazy notion?

One small success was a sweater for Milo. He doesn't like zippers near his neck and hoods are a bit cumbersome with parkas and scarves right now. So I figured a couple of crewneck sweatshirts shouldn't be too hard. I didn't have quite enough navy fleece to make the entire body for one so I improvised with a band of red fleece left from Ragdoll's pants (already used to make this sweatshirt). Since this made for an overall sporty look, it seemed to make sense to use the cute "no. 85" patch from the pants too (plus, when Ragdoll's little man gets this sweatshirt next she'll get an extra kick out of the addition).

Oh, and this is Milo's new camera face. It goes along with saying "cheese" - which is not only a fun word for him to say, but also his favourite food choice. He's a pretty simple guy, hanging out in his new sweats, no pressures on the horizon other than naptime.

Clearly I could learn a thing or two from him.


  1. Cute! Mine both went through the cheesy camera face thing. Love it!

  2. Aw, I love this sweatshirt and the numbers look amazing! Also, Milo got a hair cut. SO CUTE.
