Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Suddenly the fiction on my bedside table has been replaced by books meant to inspire sense and order in life. My life, that is. For starters, I purchased a physical weekly agenda because although I have a Blackberry for work (which desperately needs a new handmade case), I seem to be forgetting all the non-work stuff. Like cross-country practices and birthday parties, doctor appointments and library due dates. Real stuff. The agenda makes me happy - it's red with embossed cherry blossoms and even though it's larger, it weighs less than the Moleskine version I almost chose (this is very important when you happen to walk everywhere). Dorky as it sounds, I already feel more organized, not to mention I love using a pencil again. You don't have to re-charge a pencil every night.

Next up, Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project. I haven't totally forgiven myself for delving into a pseudo-self-help book, but I have to admit - I'm enjoying it. Yes, it's entirely anecdotal and unscientific. But her experiences are relevant to me at this stage in my life and I appreciate the bite-sized amounts of research she peppers into her prose. There's no way I'm going to start going to bed early though, even if that would result in more happiness. Those hours after the kids are in bed are simply too precious.

The book that has me making notes like a fiend is In-House Design in Practice by Cathy Fishel. This is completely for my work life, but it has needed some organizing - or maybe vision - for some time now. I try to keep the "work" me out of this blog, and I'm not about to break that rule now, I only want to say that it's amazing when someone can capture all the bits and bobs of what you've been struggling with at work and then inspire you with case studies and practical advice. Reading should equal inspiration, fiction or not, right?

And I have to thank Ginny for her Yarnalong post last week - she inspired me to start another Girls Cap Sleeved Sweater for Sadie. I had just enough Milodon wool and the colourway is fantastic (though my poorly lit photo is not). Hopefully next week I'll have a little person to model the finished garment. For more reading and knitting inspiration, hop on over to this week's Yarnalong.

1 comment:

  1. Great yarn; looking forward to seeing the finished project. Nothing like a new organizer to help you feel better!
