Friday, May 13, 2011

kcwc: the beginning

So far, this week hasn't gone as planned.  Double shifts at work, hardly seeing the sewing has taken a total backseat.  But on Monday I accomplished a little, starting with a quick kerchief for Sadie -  pretty scraps of fabric to help keep hair from her eyes.

And then a pair of desperately needed pants (well, that's according to Mom, because I'm not a fan of her all-tight-pants wardrobe, but I'm trying to be subtle about it).  The fabric is a lightweight, almost pique jersey so they should be great in warmer weather.  I used some older pants as a guide and dressed them up with the ruffle cuff. There were two tiny holes in the fabric so I covered them with the blue heart above and Sadie seems pleased with her "peek pocket". Already they've been worn twice and washed once, so I think they're a success.

Hopefully more to come, but I'm predicting a blow-out single post late in the weekend. My fingers are crossed, hoping for sewing time to magically appear (and work related projects to magically disappear). But I'm also overdue for some serious kid loving, so we'll see. Kids beat out time at the sewing machine any day.

1 comment:

  1. Another absolutely stunning picture of Sadie. I love the head scarf and the pants are so cute. I'd say she must like them if she has worn them twice. Excellent job Samantha.......happy sewing. My sewing is done so I will try and put it on my blog tomorrow.
