Monday, January 10, 2011

movie mania

As the year drew to a close and we cozied up in our wee tiny abode, Jay and I started a movie marathon. Not that we meant to start a marathon, but after 10 straight nights of movies I think we'd have to call it a marathon. Even tonight we have number 11 picked out to the delight of our local video store (which is actually new to us because our beloved Video 99 closed down and we went on a long movie hiatus as the loss sunk in). Let's see if I can remember the list:

3) The Kiterunner (our own, purchased from Video 99 when they were closing)
10) Easy A

Obviously we were catching up on new releases, but there was a clear front-runner for both of us...and it wasn't a new release. The Kiterunner was absolutely excellent and the story - oh, and the characters - stayed with us both for days. The biggest disappointment? Winter's Bone. It got fantastic reviews but we both found we were confused most of the time and the dialogue was hard to make out. And really, wouldn't someone just ask the main character what she wanted? Just one simple question? The others were generally entertaining and Scott Pilgrim holds a special place, but for an unusual reason which I'll save for another time. Overall, a fun way to start the new year. I've needed an escape from thinking because work is weighing heavy on my mind these days and watching movies means popcorn and knitting. Win-win.

And inspired by Soulemama's {this moment} photos, I snapped a few photos from inside this cozy abode. First a glimpse of our wall of art and photos and then Sadie's latest family portrait complete with explanatory note to Daddy. Hibernation certainly has its benefits.


  1. Ed Grimley! :)

    And Kite Runner is so great, isn't it? Loved it so much that I'm going to give the book a try too.

  2. I like the idea of a winter movie marathon with my sweetie. The Kite Runner is one of the few movies I've liked better than the book.
