Wednesday, December 08, 2010

scrappy hudson

Whoa, where did November go? Finally everyone is healthy in the house and I can put a business trip to Calgary behind me. Luckily I've still been able to find pockets of time to knit - and pockets are just how a Hudson Hat comes together.

It's a very simple pattern, but sometimes you just need to be reminded to use up scraps of wool. I had a good range of soft greens and blues which made a sweet stripe pattern that really suits Milo (not that it matters, but I've been choosing all the wrong, too-bright colours for him lately). The pompoms are a super cute touch and Sadie has already made a request for one of her own. They may be five years apart, but she loves the idea of having matching clothes with her little brother.

And now I also have a pile of grey and brown wool scraps set aside for a pattern idea I've been kicking around. Hopefully I can find a few more pockets of time during the holiday season to make that happen.

1 comment:

  1. A cap just fit for the winters. Your kid look cute in it. Winters are already here so this cap would be perfect for keeping little ones cosy and warm.
