Friday, July 02, 2010

secret knitting

When your Mom is the most regular reader of your blog, you really can't post about what you are making her until the gift giving is completely over. Finally the day has come for this shawl.

I loved knitting my own Mara shawl and my Mom liked the pattern so much she tried her hand at knitting it too. But I think I sabotaged her project telepathically so I could have the chance to knit her one. On a cold day in January I took my trusty yarn assistant (Sadie) to Romni and she picked a shimmery silver Debbie Bliss Cathay for Gramma's shawl. It was an excellent pick - easy to knit and the silk content makes the shawl drape just so. Again I loved knitting the shawl and the only modification was knitting stockinette in the main body instead of garter stitch. I used every single inch of the 5 balls I had, making a size that seems suited to summer nights. 

Happy birthday Mom!


  1. Thankyou very much Samantha, I absolutely love it and I think it goes great with my hair. Sadie made a good choice and your knitting is perfect as usual.

    Luv mom

  2. Cathy Bowers7:21 AM

    Saw this beautiful gift at S&B this week. It is stunning and looks lovely on your Mom.

  3. Hi Sam, thanks for visiting my blog and admiring my dress. I love wearing it and will definitely be making a thicker one for winter. I've been admiring all your craftiness, I do wish I could knit as well as you can. Actually, I wish I could knit! Also love the childrens' clothes you made for your challenge, what a great idea.


  4. Samantha, my stitch 'n' bitch group just loved the shawl, they all wanted it..........but it's mine!
