Thursday, May 13, 2010

day three

Recycling old clothes continues. This pink tank for Sadie is made from an old Gap shirt that I just couldn't part with, but if worn, seriously looked like I was wearing pajamas. I kept the neckline intact and then tried a different style of edging which is done only with the serger. I think it's my favourite edging yet or the knit of this shirt was just the right weight to make it work. And Sadie debated for 24 hours whether she wanted shorts or a skirt out of the fabric Milo's shorts were made of - and I think she's pretty happy with her skirt choice. The t-shirt was quite wide, so I made use of the original hem and let the skirt be really full. Sadie tried both pieces on as soon as she got home and she wouldn't take them off until bedtime, so you may notice a spaghetti stain on the hanging shot. Oh well, at least I know she likes them. I'm pretty fond of the whole look she had...why can't they make red shoes like that for adults?

Next up, Day Four. I may not be as prolific (I'm battling a determined plugged duct - ouch - and I had to go to work this afternoon) but the day isn't over yet. It's amazing how 10 minutes here and there can add up.


  1. what is the secret serger stitch?

    I wouldn't take that outfit off until bedtime either!

  2. That is the cutest outfit, no wonder Sadie wanted to keep it on and I would bet she has already worn it to school. Your talent and sewing absolutely continues to amaze me.

    luv mum
