Thursday, March 11, 2010

thursday, 4:09pm

In a week where sleep is still elusive and I've consumed far too much junk food, there was a moment this afternoon when everything was still and it seemed like a good idea to document life as it was.  To start, I was sitting in my favourite spot by the kitchen window, looking at fabric on the internet and imagining what I could make with it. A crock pot on the counter was simmering an easy chickpea curry recipe found here this morning.

Next, the state of our living room. I think that's the best name for it since it's a play room, a tv room, a knitting room, a relaxing room. Other owners of this house probably used it as a dining room, but it's the only place our sofa would fit and it's nice and close to the "food" room, which is very important. So, "living" room it is. Note the baby gate and many, many toys on the floor. The whole main floor is now officially Milo-friendly so that we don't have to worry about tiny, swallowable toys meaning I can check on dinner in the "food" room without worrying so much about Milo's safety.

Speaking of Milo...when you pull out the camera to document these moments, he disappears. And heads for his favourite spot: the front door. Which is now a tight squeeze because I have to bring the stroller inside. Because when I left it outside yesterday, with a cozy fleece liner in it, a neighbourhood cat PEED on it. Yes, peed. Gross. But Glen Miller is happy to have it there as a nap location and Milo is happy to chew on all visible parts. So the main floor safety for Milo is questionable, obviously.

And finally, a reflection. Because I think that's what I was doing at 4:09 - reflecting on my life at this moment. Seeing that my house is untidy and full of too many things, but knowing I wouldn't have it any other way. Seeing that a quiet afternoon means daydreaming of what I could make and spending time with the little boy that is by far the best thing I've made this year (well, with a little help from a certain guy I know and a thing we'll call the miracle of life). And for a brief time I understood that I should enjoy the moments as they happen and not dwell on the changes that are coming.

Let's just say it was a very nice time of day.


  1. Thats funny, we had chickpea curry last night too! The room set up is perfect for Milo isn't it, he is a sweetie!

  2. You described my house as well. Oh well, it is much easier fo it to be over run with kids stuff then for me to contain it to their rooms. Or even worse, to tidy it up.

    And it is all about moments.
