Saturday, January 09, 2010


More holiday knitting - for a certain little girl I know who likes Groovy Girls. Is it just me or is knitting for tiny dolls way better than sewing for them? This cardigan took 2 hours max while I caught up on Mad Men. I'm quite sure that the last time I sewed a doll dress a whole lot of cursing took place and a seam ripper was thrown across the room.

I used some leftover Koigu Kersti and some great vintage glass buttons that I've had for over a decade. The cardigan is a basic top down raglan, with the sleeves knit flat and increases added down the body so  it would flare just so. Sadie was pleased as punch with the final product and has requested another cardigan for her other Groovy Girl. She's already picked out the buttons and has reminded me a few times that I need to start it. Lucky for her I have a few more Mad Men episodes left, and a strong desire to support Groovy Girls. (Because if you take away the Groovy Girls, you're left with Barbies or Bratz. And I'm not making any clothes for those dolls for a whole bunch of reasons that are just better left unsaid.)

1 comment:

  1. Love the cardigan! I need to commission you to make one for Sid's Groovy girls.
    My friend call Bratz "prostitots".
