Thursday, September 03, 2009

have boy, will knit

Milo sure has become my little model. Suddenly I'm knitting way more for a boy than I ever did for Sadie as a baby - I think hearing that patterns for boys were harder to come by has challenged me deep down and I'm getting obsessed with what I can make for him. This vest idea has been in my head for a while and this time I actually kept track of what I did. I wanted it to have t-shirt styling and - of course - raglan seams. I'm pretty happy with it, though Milo needs a little more growing before he can wear it.

My big question is: would anyone be interested in the pattern? I'm going to try it once more with a different wool and needle size, and possibly ribbed edges, but my plan is to write up the pattern and make it available. Is it the kind of vest little girls and boys out there would like?


  1. love it! it's looks perfect on your little man

  2. i would love to have a pattern. It looks great!

  3. Adorable! Yes, pattern please.

  4. Totally great, would love the pattern.

  5. Definitely interested, especially if it's almost seamless. Is it?

  6. love the pattern also, please : ) it looks adorable on your wee one!

  7. great - i will start writing the pattern up! and Nadege, it is indeed seamless. i'm a very lazy knitter and love working in the round.

  8. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Samantha, the vest is beautiful on your little male model.
    I would love the pattern.
    Cathy B

  9. samantha, do you think I could follow the pattern??

  10. i'd love that pattern! it's so good to find cute baby boys' patterns. like you, i'm always on the lookout...

  11. It is a great little knit. Your fellow looks adorable. And yes, do write up the pattern!

  12. Kristín (khw on ravelry)4:24 AM

    I love your vests - they are just perfect! I´d love to make this one for my two little boys! My emailadress is:
    Thanks, Kristín
