Tuesday, July 14, 2009


What's a girl to do when she is told not to carry anything heavier than her baby for 6 weeks, but she passes these two awesome chairs on the street? Forget the medical advice of course - I mean, look at these chairs!

I was on my way to pick up Sadie from her day camp (which is an almost one hour walk round trip, I'm certainly getting exercise) when I saw these chairs being put out on the curb. I didn't even hesitate - I asked if they meant to get rid of them and then promised I'd get both on my way back with Sadie. So the plan I devised was this: Sadie would push Milo's stroller and I would carry the two chairs.  And it worked, although my incision might not be too happy about it.  Who cares - look at these chairs!


  1. This reminds me of when my friend Josh was driving his wife from Perth to Ottawa while she was IN LABOUR and pulled over to stop at a garage sale. He got some great scores, but still.

    You gotta do what you gotta do.

  2. Wow, what a score samantha, and the colour....I bet jay was surprised and nevermind that sadie & milo are learning young. I just hope you didn't hurt yourself. I wish I could have seen the three of you trekking home with your find!

  3. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Total, total score. No harm, no foul, right?! You are one strong mama!

  4. I would have done the same thing. Those chairs are great!

  5. Thattagirl! Awesome chairs!

  6. Anonymous8:43 PM

    lucky, happy, chinese red chairs..
    I will have to have them for my chinese tea-wedding.
