Monday, May 18, 2009

sewing therapy

I didn't work on Friday (and I only have 4 more days to go!) so I spent the whole day at the sewing machine.  It was heaven.  After preparing for my exhibit, it was really a treat to sew with no goal in mind other than relaxing.  I worked on skirts for Sadie (post to come) but then found myself pulling together fabrics for chair pads.  I remembered Soulemama's post about simple quilted chair pads, and now that we've moved the furniture back into the kitchen I felt that a little dressing would be nice.  I didn't measure anything, just sat at the machine and swiveled my chair to the ironing board to keep my movement limited. Truthfully, standing up and down to press fabric would leave me out of breath right now - I've hit 35 weeks and I'm pretty much a physical mess.

But chair pads.  The first photo is how the tops look right now. I thought I would cut them up and piece all 4 together similarly, but now that I've tested it out in Photoshop (how did we ever survive without Photoshop?) I think I like them best just the way they are.  They match enough without being too matchy, you know?  But I could be persuaded, especially if I wake up tomorrow feeling all orderly and such.  Oh wait, I work tomorrow - the decision can be made the next time I have a free sewing day, which is officially next Monday.  I'm actually hoping the wee one stays inside for at least a couple of weeks so I can really enjoy the "me time" I've booked.  Matinees, sewing and reading here I come.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on those chair pads. That sounds great-a whole day of sewing.
