Tuesday, March 03, 2009

laptop cosy

Electronic gadgets are great and all, but can a laptop ever be complete without a cosy?  Of course not.

So instead of teaching myself Illustrator, I've spent time making a cosy for the new - and very helpful - laptop.  This fabric came from Purl Soho, and it really makes me smile (though it may be a touch too cute for Jay's liking).  A simple vine pattern lines the inside and I used two layers of cotton batting for the top and bottom.  A one-button closure seems to do the trick, and the plan was to make this double as a placemat for the laptop when it is in use.  And these days nothing is complete without my favourite polka-dotted ribbon.  I love this ribbon, and I should probably just buy the whole roll from Designer Fabric Outlet.  5 metres at a time seems silly.


  1. oh this is so cute!! I love it! :)

    I also wanted to let you know that I'm doing a painting challenge over at the blog, and thought you might be interested. hugs!


  2. Really cute! However if you are using the laptop for any length of time, it may overheat on the pad. Poor things need to breathe! May be better to lift it off when you are using it.
