Wednesday, November 05, 2008

butterfly magic

I heart Hallowe'en. I also heart taking the day off work to help Sadie with her costume and walk her to JK. Jay and I both walked her there and back, and man, do I ever wish I could do that more often. The fact that it was 19 degrees outside was a nice bonus too.

As for the costume, Sadie changed her mind Hallowe'en morning, so we no longer had to figure out the Cat-Princess-Bunny idea (not that I was against it!). A butterfly was fairly straightforward, and she was game for making her hair into antennae. I used fairly thin gauge wire, and it held her braids up for 9 hours, making it a surefire costume hit. And what a difference one year made - last year Sadie screamed at masks and only visited one house, but at age 4, she wasn't scared of anything and wanted to walk up to every house for her share of candy. We finally convinced her to help us hand out candy which she took very seriously, giving us a break from being alone on the porch.

It was a great night. Did I mention I heart Hallowe'en?


  1. She is such a cutie! Love the hairdo! ^^

  2. Great costume!

    bit of a strange question for you.
    if thats' your front porch.
    Where did you get that herringbone sisal?
    We have sisal on our front steps, and I can never seem to find that pattern.
