Monday, June 23, 2008

new york moment

Suddenly I just want to be at home. I have travelled almost too much in the last month and I'm looking forward to keeping within the city limits for the next while...or at least within arm's reach of my little lady. Last week I flew to New York for a work conference and I'm at the catch-up-on-all-the-laundry phase.

But yes, it was New York. I will never, ever pass up a chance to go there. In the tiny amount of free time I had to myself I finally visited Purl and Purl Patchwork - two adorable little shops that made me smile. Actually it was lucky I had limited time, because without boundaries I may have never left Purl Patchwork. As it was, I found enough to spend my money on and it turns out fabric makes your luggage quite heavy. See very cute selections above. Love, love the hand dyed wool.

My other stop, and one I make on every trip to New York, is the Folk Art Museum. I just love that building, the collections and especially their museum shop. I found gifts for my Mom, Sadie, and a fantastic book for Jay (though I admit, I may take a peek or two at it myself). It's called La Porte, Indiana and is essentially a collection of photographs by one small town photographer, Frank Pease, that were found by Jason Bitner of Found Magazine. They were taken between 1940 and 1960 so the sense of nostalgia is fantastic, but what is so great about the collection is the variety of poses, fashions and expressions. These are regular people sitting for the camera with the sole purpose of being documented. And all in one package. I don't think we'll be shelving it any time soon.

Now back to that laundry. Oh, and the dustbunnies that are larger than our two cats combined. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Oh to go to New York. I've longed to go for so so long :) Sounds like you had a wonderful time! So jealous you got to go to Purl and Purl Patchwork!! *swoon*! :)

