Sunday, February 24, 2008

the view from here

There are only 15 minutes before I take Sadie up to bed, and I'm sitting at the computer eating pizza that was just delivered. Something about the scene beside me - a moment in time and a perfect Sunday night - made me laugh. It must be the mixture of furniture chaos, fort building on the couch and Jay's knees poking out from behind as he watches basketball a little too close to the television.

I finally took the plunge with red paint. It was too much debate and not enough action, so a good friend offered to come play with Sadie while I started the edging. I don't tape and count on a steady hand for edging so it takes me time. I'll roll the first coat once Sadie's in bed and cross my fingers that I only need one more. I am still fighting the decision; ten years of working for HGTV promoting designers like Sarah Richardson has really affected me. We had a perfectly neutral house and the colour flow was good, but suddenly we have a grey kitchen and now a red TV room. I should be completely disowned by the network.

But in the next minute I realize I don't care. I heart red and already the room is warming up. The precious moments spent knitting in here at night will now be colourful and cosy. Design rules, schmesign rules.

And now, it's Sadie's bedtime.

1 comment:

  1. I think your decision to go red is brave and wonderful.It certainly works in your daughter's room and I think it will be wonderful elsewhere. I can't wait to see the finished pictures.
