Tuesday, July 24, 2007

purple goodness

It feels as though this sweater took a long time to get through, even though it's toddler-sized. Perhaps it's the weather, or maybe the fact that every summer seems to get packed with things to do (and lately, not the happiest of things), but it sure felt great to weave in the very last end and convince Sadie to try it on.
The pattern was very simple to follow; I had knit the collar much longer but ripped it out to make the sweater feel balanced. I made a cleaner selvage for the edges, but it rolls inward anyway so I don't know if it mattered much. The one funny thing I found out is that when I transferred the sleeves to DPNs my knitting became too regular and looked totally different than the body. I switched to knitting them flat and it matched again, so I just had to endure more seaming. Unfortunately Sadie dislikes the sweater entirely - I had to promise she could wear polka-dotted sneakers that are still too big for her just to get a few photos. She was more than happy to tear the sweater off...I sure hope she changes her mind in the fall.
Wool: Misti Pima Cotton/Silk, 3 skeins
Needles: 5mm bamboo circulars
A couple more shots on Flickr.


  1. it's so lovely, i'm sure sadie will wear it in the fall.

    luv mum

  2. gorgeous. oh to be able to knit like you!!!

  3. Sadie might not like it, but I do!

  4. Will you knit me a toque?
