Wednesday, February 01, 2006

winter addiction

Is it the January blues? The post-holiday wind down? I just can't stop knitting, and my butt wants to be glued to the couch. So here are some finished projects - a mauve scarf for Sadie, some itsy bitsy legwarmers in a multicoloured alpaca and a pair of red wristlets for me. That would be me modelling a wristlet and then Sadie trying everything on (she prefers the legwarmers as sleeves - is she telling me she needs a sweater next?) I've almost finished my MOS entry, but a nasty cold over the weekend has delayed that progress. My other excuse for avoiding my sewing machine and being a couch potato is that Jay has a show in March at Le Gallery so I've been using the time after Sadie goes to bed to catch up on movies he would hate while he spends late night hours in the studio. Hey, no complaints here!


  1. Thanks for the kind comment on my blog. Everything looks cozy in your world. Movies you love + knitting = bliss.

  2. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Lovely projects! I hear you about just wanting to be on the couch and knit, here in cold New England I feel like I am in hibernation mode.
