Wednesday, January 18, 2006

slow to start

Finally I am getting to work again. There are a few knitting projects currently unfinished, but I feel like I have abandoned the Month of Softies for far too long. Above is a sneak peek at my "Fairy Tales" entry - what a great theme idea. So many possibilities, and only the time for one doll. I've also included a photo of my miniature work space; before Sadie arrived I had an entire room to myself and now I'm lucky to get this tiny corner of our bedroom. My sincere thanks go out to the Anonymous Baby residing over my table - thanks to his/her chubby goodness I have been able to make it work!


  1. Hello Sam ! Can I ask you if you sew by hand the text of your "fairy tales" or with a sewing machine ?! I love alos the baby's picture !! So cute ! Smooches !

  2. Love the peek...can't wait to see what it is...really lovely.

  3. Anonymous5:17 PM

    That looks interesting !
    LOvely work space too.

  4. Looking forward to seeing more of this softie! looks lovely!
