Sunday, November 13, 2005

my lady sadie

Last night I went out for a few hours to a dinner party - without Sadie. All her baby friends were there, walking and playing and eating, but she was at home recovering from an ear infection. I hit a point when I actually ached for her, and I had to leave. It's the feeling that you can't put into words but that envelops your whole body every so often. Part scary, part wonderful - and only relieved by scooping up your sweet little girl as soon as you can.

In this new mom world, Scarbiedoll says it best, hands down.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I know exactly what you mean. I remember going out with my friends when my first born was just about the same age, and I could only bear a couple of hours away, especially when I called to check in and could hear him crying in the background. They were rather annoyed, not understanding at all why I couldn't take just one night for myself. But what they didn't know was that the physical and emotional yearning to have him in my arms was so intense that I wouldn't have been able to have fun if I stayed with them anyway.

    BTW, your daughter is beautiful. Scrumptious. I don't go in much for other people's kids, but I would have a hard time staying away from her too.
