Sunday, August 07, 2005

somebody loves grass

I feel like such a terrible mom. Here is Sadie, 10 months to the day, and it's her first time sitting in lush green grass. Ahh, the urban life leaves a little bit to be desired. Sadie was so excited when we plunked her down that clapping became her favourite activity. Needless to say, we had a wonderful visit in the country with absolutely wonderful friends. If I were them, I don't think I'd ever make it back to the city!


  1. Hey Samantha, I think I'm a blogger now but how would you know? I can tell Sadie loves the grass, next time here we will sit her on our extremely wee back lawn.

  2. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Ahhh, she's such a cutie-pie !

  3. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Samantha, just threaded through to your site. Love your work, so sweet and crisp. Do you ever share patterns? I would love to get my aged fingers stitching those bird/babies:)
