Sunday, August 21, 2005

ignoring tomorrow

I start back at work tomorrow (insert lofty sigh here). I feel quite anxious about it, so I'm hanging out on the internet checking some great links while Sadie naps. Big thanks to Craftlog for sending me here - I think I'm going to order some of Susie's postcards as a treat to myself (I think I could really use some treats today . . . at the very least, going back to work means having more money!) And next, I just adore the photo on this page, the cat is so delicate and precious. I fear that I might get hooked on Japanese crafting too, there is just something so sweet and orderly about the designs I have seen so far. Then finally, if money fell from the sky, I would treat Sadie to one of everything from anne-claire petit. If you visit, keep scrolling to the right because it's a deceptively large collection. I especially love the crochet dot cardigan and shoes, which reminds me that I should make Sadie something with polka dots. Now I better go iron some work clothes . . . sniffle, sniffle.


  1. hi kiddo, I'm sure you will enjoy your first day back to work and sadie will probably squeal when she sees you. It'a only for a few hours and a couple of days right now.I know just how you feel but she's in good hands as you know and I think it will do you good to be getting out a little.

    luv mum

  2. oh thanks for reminding me about boy girl party... i think i need to treat myself too!

  3. Oh my God! You are back at work. My thoughts are with you. How's it going? Email me with details
