Monday, July 11, 2005

braids are best

The greatest part about having this blog is: I feel obligated to keep making new things. Obligated may sound negative, but it travels a tight path with inspiration and it works for me. As for this doll, she's been hanging around my worktable waiting to go to a very special person - my midwife for Sadie's birth. I can't put into words how thankful I am to have met Jen. I would not have made it through labour and Sadie's first few weeks if not for Jen's gentle reassurances, her perfectly timed information and her wonderfully striped socks. The only thing I could do was create a doll especially for her as a small attempt to thank her for helping us bring Sadie into the world.


  1. Anonymous5:27 PM

    1st. Your man's art left me speechless. How DOES he do it ? How long does a painting take ?? WHO chews the gum ???? It's brilliant !!
    2nd.. I love your work too, those monkeys have so much character and I lurve the butterfly.
    3rd ( I saved the best 'til last)..
    What a beautiful little girl you have there, but I guess you already knew that. Little girls just get sweeter and sweeter as they grow, but make sure you put the pretty dresses on her while you get the chance !
    Thankyou so much for putting me on your inspiration list, I shall be back.

  2. Anonymous3:35 PM

    samantha, I loved your braids doll, will you make me one...... please........

    p.s. I need more sadie pictures!!

  3. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Wonderful doll!
